The tool comes with some file extractors.If no game is specified the tool may import the model incorrectly. All games have a slightly different file format - please specify the game for the tool so it can import the model correctly.Files without the appropriate file extension (.cno.

With all games files should be extracted.Importing files in batch opens the console on Windows and prints file information while processing files.Choose the correct *no format and game that the file originates from.3d view > Sidebar (press n on your keyboard!) > Sega NN tools > import.If downloading a zip from GitHub before release, you'll have to rename the folder from "Sega NN Tools (version number)" to "Sega_NN_tools" inside the zip.On updating you need to install the new version and restart Blender.In Preferences: Check the box for Sega NN tools.In Blender File view: Navigate to where you downloaded the zip file, select the file and select Install Add-on.The files you want to import must not be packed.A Python library for Blender for games using Sega's NN libraries.